It’s time to simplify your clients’ bookkeeping

Traditional accounting packages such as Excel or Sage can be a real hassle.

Keeping up with different versions, backups, updates, and compatibility issues can lead to you spending more time fixing problems than you do keeping your books up to date.

Keeping up with your competition

If you are not already working with cloud accounting software then now is the time to adopt it. Business owners are becoming more tech savvy and are beginning to expect collaboration in the cloud with their accountant.

So if your practice only works with Excel or Sage then you may run the risk of losing clients to competing firms. Keep up with the competition by updating your systems to the cloud. Your clients will thank you.

Free Accounting Software

Making the switch to Making Tax Digital

By 2019 all of your clients with a turnover of £10k or more will need to make quarterly submissions through accounting software to replace the tax return. A report by ICAEW found that currently 75% of businesses do not maintain their accounts electronically, or use accounting software. With the Making Tax Digital scheme fast approaching, businesses will be required to become electronically savvy with their taxes pretty quickly.

So, if you have clients using accounting packages like Excel then this might cause an additional expense, not to mention your time to train clients to use accounting software. Therefore a simple and inexpensive solution, such as Free Accounting Software would mean little to no expense to the client and minimal training.

To help your clients during the Making Tax Digital transition period, they will have access to several tutorial videos, as well as the Free Accounting Software Help Centre, where clients have a step-by-step guide to setting up and understanding their account. If your clients require further support, they can get in touch with our support team through

Providing the features your clients expect

Free Accounting Software has all the bookkeeping features your clients need; Bank Feeds, Invoicing, Reporting, Currency Conversion, Integrations, a Mobile App and many more.

Similar cloud accounting software solutions are often over-complicated for the needs of small business owners. However, Free Accounting Software provides the small business owner with the exact services they need, rather than confusing clients with intricate features designed for more complex tax affairs. Free Accounting Software is simple and easy to use, meaning even your least tech savvy clients will be able to seamlessly make the switch to cloud accounting.


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